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Mission Statement

At computer for Joro, we are committed to equipping the next Bulgarian generation with the resources they need to receive the proper education. Due to COVID-19, most schools have gone remote, yet many children do not have the technology to succeed. With your support, we are committed to providing Bulgarian kids in need with laptops and internet access so they can have the education they deserve. 

Why This is Important

The poverty line in Bulgaria is 363 leva (approximately $220 ) per month while a computer suitable for online education is 600-800 leva. 1.6 million Bulgarians live below the poverty line, with this number increasing due to the economic crisis caused by Covid. The only way Bulgarian students can get the resources they need is through your help.

A report from the Brookings Institution indicates that due to disruption in education during the pandemic, children are beginning this school year with only 70% of the reading skills they had last year, and only 50% of their math skills. It is vital our generation is equipped with the means to succeed. This is especially critical in a country like Bulgaria whose most important resource is its people. 

How it Works


We receive donations, both monetary and used tech from generous donors like you. Donations are collected through our gofundme page


We coordinate directly with representatives from Bulgaria's Child Protection Agency so we can access who is in need of a computer or internet access. 


We purchase computers that are equipped with the right software for online education with the donations raised. 


We coordinate with social workers who can distribute computers amongst the children in need. We also provide internet access for those who do not have it. 

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